Elastic sports flooring

Floors in sport arenas and halls can be made of many different materials. Some of these materials are parquet installed upon wooden sub construction, thick linoleum or PVC on elastic wooden sub construction, thin linoleum or PVC on wooden sub construction or PVC on concrete base.

Floors in sports arenas and courts have to amount to certain standards. They have to be safe, comfortable, non slippery and aesthetically attractive.
The appropriate choice of flooring in sport arenas is of much importance considering the risks of sport activities and special conditions that athletes need.

New technologies – Elastic indoor sports flooring

The same flooring cannot be used in multipurpose gyms, professional competition courts, volleyball, tennis, basketball court or a soccer field. Body building, aerobics, children playgrounds, gyms, sport centers for physical therapy, they all require different types of flooring. It is safe to say that every sport demands a different kind of floor surface. Common for all sport floors is that it has to be safe, adaptable, providing high protection of bio mechanic performances and low risk of muscle and ligament injuries in sportsmen.

Many different materials can be used in sport flooring. Some of these materials are parquet installed upon a wooden sub construction, thick linoleum or PVC on wooden sub construction, thin linoleum or PVC on wooden sub construction or PVC on concrete base.
Synthetic products like PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) or PVA (polyvinyl acetate) represent the base of a large variety of sport flooring materials.

Sport floors are consisted of a special multi layered sandwich of a compact surface rubber or PVC layer and inner glass wool matrix layer which gives the whole construction stability.
The outer layer of sport floors has antibacterial and anti fungus characteristics. Foamy PVC layer absorbs impacts and provides comfort and safety. If needed, sport floors can also be protected from humidity. These sport floorings are pre finished with smooth surface.

Elastic indoor sport flooring are installed upon even, horizontal, high quality concrete surface or screed.

Sport activities without injuries

Thanks to new technologies, elastic sports flooring come in different materials, designs and colors. With all their technical characteristics elastic sport floors are no doubt a good alternative to hard wood sport floors. PVC floors are easy to maintain, durable, hygienic, long lasting and attractive.

Floors made out of synthetic materials are easy to construct and keep. Their quality depends on the materials and technologies used in their production.

Elastic sports flooring reduce risk of injuries during sports activities. They are elastic and evenly absorb energy.